About Us

Innate Flow Logo, Spinal Flow Business Hobart, Tasmania

About Innate Flow

Innate Flow is a new business based in Howrah, Tasmania.  We are currently offering Spinal Flow Technique healing sessions. 

Our mission is to:

Help you to reconnect to you true self so you can experience your own innate flow

And we mean that!  We do this by helping to restore your body’s own innate healing intelligence and calming your nervous system with Spinal Flow Technique.

When you come to Innate Flow, it’s a safe place. A sanctuary where you can focus 100% on you and what your body needs because you deserve the opportunity to live your best life.

So what are you waiting for? Book in to see us today!


Innate Flow Spinal Flow Technique Healing Space
Innate Flow Spinal Flow Technique Healing Space

About Kelly


My name is Kelly and I’m a Spinal Flow® Practitioner, business executive, business owner, mum and step-mum of four, wife, daughter, sister and friend.  I love sunshine, walks on the beach with my dogs and spending time with my family who are my biggest inspiration. 

My passion is wellbeing and healing, particularly when it comes to helping people move from a state of stress into a state of healing.  I truly believe in the body’s innate intelligence to heal itself and I am excited to help others to reinstate this superpower within themselves!

For a long time I experienced chronic anxiety, burnout, self-doubt and illness that were largely triggered by stress and trauma. Having had these experiences, I’m uniquely placed to encourage and support others throughout their own healing journey with empathy and understanding.  

Spinal Flow has given me a new lease on life.  I am amazed and marvel every day at the profound changes it can initiate in people both physically, mentally and spiritually.  I’ve seen it with my own two eyes and personally experienced immense benefits from my own sessions.  I love watching the changes in each and every client and am in awe of their bodies as they all present their own unique and intelligent spinal wave that changes and grows with each session.   

I’m so proud of what I have created at Innate Flow and can’t wait to share this with you!

Kelly x

Kelly Walker, Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner, Hobart Tasmania