Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens during a session?

    Treatments are carried out with the client being fully clothed, lying face down on a massage table. Bolsters are placed under the pelvis to elevate the sacrum and build energy in this area. During the session, light pressure will be placed on the access points on the cranium and sacrum to initiate and increase the Spinal Wave.

    Spinal Flow Technique standard healing sessions harness the power of group energy and allow multiple people to be worked on at the same time.

  • What does it feel like?

    Spinal Flow treatments are very safe and gentle. There is no manipulation involved and we use very gentle and precise touch on specific points on the cranium and sacrum. These are called “access points” and give the practitioner a direct pathway to the nervous system.

    Clients often comment that they feel a sense of deep relaxation during a session. Sometimes sensations are felt throughout the body such as tingling, twitching or warm and cold sensations. Every client experiences something different, dependent on what their body needs to release.

    Clients may also experience emotional releases during a session. This is absolutely normal and can include feeling of sadness, anger and even laughter. This is your body’s way of releasing what has held you back and we encourage you to feel into this and allow it to come through.

    When blockages are released, which can be gradual or instantaneous, the client will often feel instant relief. Clients report feeling calmer, more connected to themselves, a reduction in symptoms, better mental clarity and so much more.

  • What is the Spinal Wave?

    The Spinal Wave is a signature element of Spinal Flow Technique and is a symbol of healing potential, fluidity and release.

    The Spinal Wave is inside every human body, but its visibility and potential varies from person to person. Our goal is to increase it so it flows freely.

    The spinal wave is the body’s innate and natural movement of the spine, and it may be more obvious during a spinal flow treatment. The wave is what moves through the body, usually in three ways - moving, sensing and/or breathing. None is better than the other and all are extremely effective for healing.

    Often the wave is so slight it may be difficult to even notice unless you pay very close attention or have a very high awareness of your own internal physiology. Many clients comment on being able to feel something inside them and report feeling a deeper connection to their body.

  • Why do you do you treat more than one person at a time?

    As Spinal Flow practitioners, we are taught to treat more than two clients at once and this is an amazing way of healing. In a group room setting, clients are treated individually and it is our utmost priority to ensure that every client has an amazing healing experience.

    As a client and a Practitioner, I find a group session's energy, intensity and shared experience to be amazing and beautiful. The whole vibration of the room lifts, benefiting all. Whether you share the session with your partner, friend, stranger or family member, you’ll enjoy it immensely.

    Clients say they enjoy having a moment to really connect with their body, while the other person in the room is being treated.

    We have enough space to treat up to 3 clients at once, but currently our room has 2 tables setup for Standard Appointments. A third can be added for larger groups.

    Even though you are being treated in the same room, your privacy is always paramount. Separate times can be accommodated for conversations that need to occur between clients and their practitioner.

  • How often will I require treatment?

    Regular Spinal Flow sessions help us achieve and maintain a level of wellbeing.

    Every client will have different requirements because they are individual and dealing with different blockages and layers of stress. This will be assessed at your initial consultation.

    Some people have immediate results but for others recovery takes time. In order to heal, we need to remove old layers of stress faster than we are accumulating new ones. Someone who has long-standing acute issues may take more time to heal and require more frequent treatments initially.

    As clients start to experience change and healing, the frequency of treatments reduces. Children tend to respond to treatment very quickly.

    We have clients who see us multiple times a week, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or whenever they feel like their body needs treatment. We offer package options which help to make treatments more affordable.

    Clients are reassessed approximately every 12 sessions so that we can track and celebrate changes.

  • Do private health rebates apply?

    The Spinal Flow Technique is regulated by its own professional body not AHPRA and as such private health rebates are not applicable.