Spinal Flow® Technique

All living beings possess an innate healing intelligence that helps us to maintain and sustain life. This intelligence is what moves us into a state of ease and wellbeing. It is contained within the nervous system and travels along the spine, feeding every organ and cell in our body.

If our nervous system becomes blocked, overloaded or stressed, then this natural healing intelligence is disrupted, creating pain, dis-ease or illness. When we reinstate this flow, we create Spinal Flow, the optimal place to transform our wellbeing – physically spiritually and emotionally.

Blockages are a bit like static interference of our nervous system and are generally caused by our inability to process life’s three major stressors – physical, chemical and emotional stress. These stressors can accumulate in layers as we go through life and manifest as symptoms, pain and dis-ease. The Spinal Flow Technique provides us a tool to address and release these blockages and stressors so that we can be the best version of ourselves. 

What is Spinal Flow?

Spinal Flow is a healing technique that erases deep layers of physical, chemical and emotional stress and blockages from the body. It guides the body to move from a stress zone (fight, flight, freeze) to a healing zone (rest and digest), whilst facilitating rewiring of the brain so the body can relearn how to self-heal.

The Spinal Flow Technique uses the 7 gateways of the spine, which relate to different areas of the body, and activates energy through access points. 

The 33 access points are located mostly on the sacrum and cranium, where the dura mater is close to the skin. When these access points are connected to with a gentle touch, people experience greater connection to self, relaxation and a pleasurable free-flowing sensation. 

When a Spinal Flow Practitioner helps you to shift into this calm state, the brain receives messages to activate more ease within the body. This allows the body to awaken and release trapped energy and stored physical, chemical and emotional stress. When the body experiences this ease, it generates the remarkable Spinal Wave, which facilitates deep healing.

Spinal Flow Technique 7 Gateways of the Spina, Innate Flow, Hobart
Spinal Flow Technique, Innate Flow Hobart, Tasmania. Increasing the Wave
What I love about Spinal Flow is that it’s the client’s own body doing the healing. We aren’t forcing the body to do anything, we are just reinstating it’s self-healing superpower!
— Kelly Walker

What can Spinal Flow help with?

Our body’s innate intelligence and ability to heal is so much greater than we have been led to believe.  When we remove blockages from the spine, healing happens.  Our self-healing superpower is restored and we move towards a state of wellbeing. 

Spinal flow has helped thousands of clients with anxiety, depression, headaches and migraines, thyroid issues, allergies, digestive issues, aches and pains, insomnia, sleep problems, back pain, fibromyalgia, reproductive issues, fertility, fatigue, and so much more.

In addition, many people have noticed a deeper connection to self, deep levels of relaxation and improved mental clarity.  Our clients feel happier!

Spinal Flow Technique Consultation, Innate Flow Hobart, Tasmania

Can anyone have Spinal Flow?

YES!! We treat clients of all ages and those who are experiencing a range of dis-ease and symptoms.

As the technique is so gentle, anyone and everyone can experience the benefits of Spinal Flow. This includes pregnant women (we have special pregnancy pillows), children and babies.

For those who may find it uncomfortable or difficult lying face down on the table, we can contact access points either lying on the back, side or upright in a chair. 

Most of us are experiencing high levels of stress just in our everyday lives.  Our bodies naturally put most stress “to the back of mind” where it stores in our spinal cord as layers to deal with later.  Regular Spinal Flow sessions help us achieve and maintain a level of wellbeing.

Spinal Flow Technique for Children at Innate Flow, Hobart Tasmania
Spinal Flow Technique for Children at Innate Flow, Hobart Tasmania

As a certified Practitioner of Spinal Flow technique

I’ve been taught the 33 access points to help people find, feel and release blockages so that their body is free from interference. The brain and the body reconnect and the spinal wave can bring the energy, life force and ease back into the body making for profound and lasting results

Kelly Walker, Certified Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner, Innate Flow Hobart, Tasmania